Our Ministries
Centenary's ministries embrace a commitment to offer Christ-like care through supporting one another through men's and women's groups, studies for deepening faith, and outreach projects locally including schools, the humane society, and world-wide ministries like Operation Christmas Child and supporting United Methodist work in disaster relief and to specific needs. New ideas for ministry for engagement locally and globally are encouraged.
Men’s Ministry
Coaching men to THRIVE through Christ, so others may know Christ. Working to help local mission programs through multiple fundraising events. Monthly Bible Study and Food gathering at member homes on the 4th Tuesday. Come join us to see how we can help you grow in Christ. For information, contact Roger Kettererat.
Women’s Fellowship
All ages of women are encouraged to join us for an evening of Women's Fellowship. Women's Fellowship meets the third Tuesday, every other month at Silver Heights Camp. This is a time set aside for connecting with one another. Contact Pastor Harriett for more information.
Community Connection
Our community has many needs including food insecurity, mental illness and addictions, to name a few. Our outreach supports children and families near and far either directly or through Centenary's support of other agencies. Centenary's outreach also includes pet food collection to support the Floyd County Humane Society and My Pet Eats First, an outreach to the homeless enabling them to keep their pets. Contact Pastor Harriett for more information.
Praying Together
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, open to all, offers a place to pray the concerns of our lives and the world. Practicing lectio divina, the ancient practice of listening to a scripture passage read, we listen for the word or words that speak to us, drawing us closer to God. No one is called to pray aloud or share beyond his or her comfort. Request the Zoom code.